Envianos Tu Testimonio
Sobre Funerarias Rivera
Buenos dias,
Me gustaría agradecer desde el fondo de mi corazón, en mi nombre y en nombre de la funeraria
Magnus Poirier, toda la asistencia que nos brindó su funeraria, en el archivo del fallecimiento de la
Sra. Christine St-Onge.
Una palabra especial para Lizbet Moralez, que con su perseverancia y paciencia nos ayudó a tener
la información necesaria en todo momento.
También quiero agradecer por toda la asistencia prestada a mi colega Daniel durante su viaje y su
tiempo de estancia a San José.
Gracias a todos!
Saludos cordiales,
Antonio Rodrigues
Mil gracias lupita de verdad estoy súper agradecida con todos y mas con el embalsamador no sé bien quien es pero la dejo hermosa tambien mi esposo esta muy agradecido.
Thank you Lisbet.
Through this difficult time we have found new friends and think of you as a friend that helped us so much.
Andrew has now been laid to rest and we had a fitting ceremony for him.
Please accept our thanks for all your help
Thank you very much for the sincere and prompt documentations regarding my husband’s funeral arrangements – Ronald A. Sward.
Thank you for Lisbet Moralez dedicated assistance.
Yours truly,
From the bottom of our hearts to the very top tip THANK YOU so much for taking care of us yesterday during the most devastating moments in my life. Your compassion, knowledge and care will never go unnoticed.
You are and were a blessing to my family and I during this difficult time.
We made it home safely. Thank you for all you did for me in this difficult time. Your patience and quiet grace have truly made a difference in a very tough situation. You will forever be in my heart. Thank you!